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Tesla Incorporated’s mission to ‘accelerate the advent of sustainable transport’ and the use of solar energy to power solar panels for home and mass consumption is steadily gaining momentum. Since its inception in 2007, Tesla has set out to produce vehicles and power homes with electricity with zero emission rates. 

The first model of Tesla-manufactured vehicles gravely contradicted the vision and mission statement of the company. The company proposed to manufacture affordable vehicles for the consumption of the general public. The very first electricity-powered vehicle manufactured by the company, the Roadster, had features that could compete with gasoline-powered sports vehicles without fail. 

With time, Tesla Inc. has increased its technological advancements as vehicles manufactured after the Roadster has seen drastic technological improvements which are second to none. The vehicle models, S Sedan, X SUV, 3 Sedan, and Y have installed features that give the most sophisticated luxury to its driver

Tesla’s Technology – Tesla’s innovation is primarily based on Zero Emission Ratios. The production of vehicles and solar panels that utilize solar energy, battery, and electricity as power sources are intended to save the environment from harmful gaseous emissions. A present feature of Tesla’s vehicle the Bioweapon Defence Mechanism prevents the entry of toxic gases into vehicles through its cabins. Vehicles manufactured by the Tesla company use the most sophisticated, up-to-the-minute technology in their inventions.

 The addition of technologically luxurious features to the Tesla Model of cars beats other manufactured vehicles worldwide currently. The activation of the Air Suspension feature ensures that the vehicles are safely driven even on extremely bad roads. Another awesome feature is the standard inclusion of the Auto Pilot feature which is designed to make driving safe and comfortable. 

Tesla’s Advantage – Compared to most, if not all current gasoline-powered cars, Tesla’s use of battery and electricity places its vehicles at an extremely huge advantage. Due to the fluctuating supply of gasoline and petroleum products, vehicles powered by these stand a risk of not being fuelled should there be a global shortage. Tesla’s model of the vehicle put to use the form of energy which has the probability to the consistently supplied. the company also puts into consideration the emission of toxic gases by gasoline-fuelled vehicles and made it a part of its emission to protect the ozone layer and save the environment by using the form of energy supply which goes a long way to preserve the environment’s ecosystem. 

Though other electric cars are gradually entering the market, Tesla vehicles hold advantages in their interior and exterior. The Y Model has a feature that allows for its surrounding environment to be monitored by the vehicle’s owner, a feature that is absent in other electric vehicles. From the life span of its electric battery per charge, the 15’’ touchscreen size, and the 7-seater capacity, Tesla vehicles come in the lead when compares to electric sports cars or gasoline-powered sports vehicles. 

Taking a look at the current C.E. O’s public life, it becomes evident that the company is not only bent to provide vehicles that are safe for both the user and the environment but also to create opportunities that pave way for people to have fun and spend quality time in their vehicles either by themselves or with their loved ones. The development of the software features such as the ‘Caroake’, live streaming of videos from Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube, and the chance to play video games set Tesla above most manufactured vehicles especially sports vehicles.

Though users of Tesla vehicles are required to make monthly or yearly subscription payments in order to enjoy all the advanced features of the vehicles, this does not stop their purchase. The company is even purported to have achieved its economies of scale despite the large number of controversies surrounding the vehicle brand and Elon Musk, the current C.E.O. 

Impending Control – With Tesla currently leading the technological race in vehicle manufacturing, it would not be unsafe to predict that this lead can continue for up to the next two decades. 

Due to its partnership with some of the world’s top producers of minerals and materials and its subsidiaries, Tesla is bound to maintain the highest waves in the electric vehicle industry for the preceding 20 years. Partnering with the world’s leading lithium producer, Jiangxi Ganfeng Lithium Company Limited, Glencore for Cobalt, and the subsidiary Tesla Energy, the world’s biggest installer of photovoltaic systems among others, Tesla’s models of vehicles would almost always be the top on the list. 

Tesla Inc. has seen and received a lot of love and criticism from the general populace, but this doesn’t stop the innovative manufacturing company from providing as sophisticated, environmentally safe, and user-friendly electric vehicles and it surely does not intend to quit now.

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