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Tesla’s Magnificence

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Tesla currently stands as one of the world’s most valuable companies in the manufacturing sector. With the production of electric cars and solar panels for home and industrial consumption, tesla’s contribution to the energy and transport sectors, worldwide cannot be overlooked. The uniqueness of the company’s manufacturing styles is one that has drawn the attention of all, far and near. 

Since becoming its CEO in 2008, Elon Musk has dedicated Tesla’s time and resources to ‘’expedite the move of sustainable transport and energy, obtained through electric vehicles…’’. This is achieved through the use of a battery, electricity, and solar energy. Therefore, reducing fuel consumption. 

The first electric car manufactured by Tesla Inc. (then Tesla Motors) was the Roadster, a two-seat convertible sports car. The electric sports car functioned as effectively as the average gasoline-consumed sports car. The car was said to reach an acceleration of 96km/hour in less than four seconds with an average speed of 200km/hour. These characteristics along with the battery-powered system made the car a luxurious one.

Currently, Tesla Incorporated has four models of vehicles namely the Model S Sedan, which was launched in 2012, the Model X SUV in 2015, the Model 3 Sedan from 2017, and the Model Y which was launched in 2020. 

Tesla’s Uniqueness

There are several distinct features of the Tesla Model of cars that are significantly different from already existing vehicles. The Auto Pilot element of the vehicle serves as a driving assistance system. This feature enables the vehicle to accelerate, steer and brake on its own while it stays in lane. The purpose of this feature is to reduce the rate of road accidents while making driving easier.

The Tesla Models have Bioweapon Defence mechanisms that prevent hazardous chemicals from entering the vehicle. Another special feature of the model is the Air Suspension Feature. This feature, operated manually from the Control Panel, allows the driver to increase the vehicle’s suspension rate per the car’s GPS coordinates. 

The Cabin Overheat Protection, a unique Tesla model, automatically controls the climate of the vehicle. This works in hand with the Sentry Mode which allows the driver to keenly observe the parked vehicle from anywhere in the world.

The vehicle’s Touchscreen property provides the driver with live traffic updates, climate control updates, and navigations. 

On the fun side, the vehicle allows its occupants to enjoy a wide range of songs with the ‘Caraoke’ feature. This feature allows users to choose songs and lyrics from several different languages and enjoy sing-along moments but don’t get too excited, as a safety precaution, this feature can only be activated when the vehicle is parked.

The vehicle also allows for live streaming of movies and videos from Hulu, Netflix, and YouTube. There’s also the fun-filled moment of playing video games…but of course only when the vehicle is parked. 

The Squabble

Except for the Auto-pilot feature, all other features of Tesla Model vehicles are based on monthly or yearly subscriptions. Tesla vehicle owners would have to pay a monthly subscription fee of $9.99 or an annual subscription fee of $99. 

The debate stems from comparing the price of a ‘basic’ Tesla model to other well-known saloon cars.

The Tesla Model 3 starts at $46,990 with the newest model and version starting at $138,990. Comparatively, a ‘basic’ Toyota Camry costs between $22,000 and $26,000. 

Why then, can’t these features be accessible once the vehicle is purchased? Is the subscription just another way to reap from the grounds that have already been reaped? Why should a vehicle owner lose access to the sumptuous features after paying a huge sum of money to acquire a luxurious vehicle?

Tesla Inc. set out to provide the world with one of a kind vehicular experience while maintaining a pocket-friendly relationship. The uncommon affordable luxury is an enviable must-have. 

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