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MASSIVE CHAOS on Twitter after Elon Musk takes over the platform in just a week

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The whole world was surprised by Elon Musk’s move from the automobile and aerospace industries into the world of social media. But why was it unexpected? He is, after all, a businessman and an entrepreneur.

In April 2022, news broke that the richest man in the world had decided to purchase Twitter, which has over 436 million active users at the moment. In Elon Musk’s own words, “Twitter needs to be transformed as a private company. … Twitter has extraordinary potential. I will unlock it.”

On October 27, 2022, Musk purchased Twitter for the $44 billion negotiated price. Massive company changes and user unrest have taken place during Musk’s first week as Twitter’s owner. First, approximately half of Twitter’s workforce were let go by Musk.

According to speculations, the majority of Twitter’s directors were uneasy about Elon Musk’s acquisition of the business before he gained control. How come, though? Musk’s branding and style might have been different, and they were uncomfortable with him. Currently, Elon Musk owns 92% of Twitter.

$7.99 Monthly Subscription on Twitter

Elon Musk announced on November 1, just four days after taking over the company that, the iconic verification badge offered to celebrities, public figures and all interested persons on the platform will now need a $7.99 monthly subscription charge. He added via a tweet that subscribers would also get priority in replies, mentions, and searches, as well as the opportunity to post lengthy video and audio files and post half as many adverts.

Although Musk’s new strategy for simplifying the platform’s earnings looks fantastic on the surface, users have blasted the proposal and deemed it to be absurd.

Users have asked questions about impersonation, account duplication, and why can’t the subscription be a one time payment? Tons of criticisms have followed this.

To all complainers, please continue complaining, but it will cost $8, Musk wrote in a tweet 24 hours later. He doesn’t give a damn! Period!!! The complaints continued. However, it is undeniable that Musk thoroughly enjoys the controversies. The billionaire seems unconcerned with everything!

Musk, the billionaire CEO of Twitter, wrote in a tweet on November 5: “Trash me all day, but it’ll cost $8!”

With this growing controversy on Twitter, will the blue app lose users? Will Musk succeed as CEO? What will be the future of Twitter?

’UNLIMITED’’ Free Speech Under Elon Musk

Musk believes that there should be no real restrictions on free speech. “Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated”.,” the billionaire said in a press release announcing the purchase of Twitter.

A number of critics and analysts have concluded that Musk’s “odd appeals” for free speech, if accepted, may result in Twitter having more hate speech and fake news. In the meantime, Musk’s vision for free speech has been questioned due to his unconventional and numerous controversies.

Is this true or not?

Twitter cannot be the medium for inciting violence!

Twitter should not permit those who devalue free speech to promote chaos and civil war when governments fail to live up to their tasks!

Twitter should not be the bedrock for unguided utterances where sexual violence and human rights abuse can be normalized!

Twitter should not be that destructive weapon that the Musk’s ”unlimited desire” to see all forms of acts permitted on Twitter in the name of free speech to hold!

While Musk’s views on free speech on Twitter are still unclear, a poll taken on November 2 by the Billionaire revealed strong support for the kind of free expression that has yet to materialize on the platform. There is no doubt about Twitter’s potential. The platform keeps providing great benefits to the entire world. Government officials, football analysts, entertainers, celebrities, and other powerful people on our planet have all used Twitter to advance the higher aims of wealth, humanity, and love without unavoidably fostering new settings of “unwarranted upheaval and turbulence.” Twitter ought to maintain the sanity of the platform.

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